home Sex Sexual Politics and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in 2016

Sexual Politics and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in 2016

What’s the latest in sex and sexual politics? Well just as always, there’s plenty good and plenty bad. Sex is still great according to the general public. It’s also, strangely enough, the major cause of sexually transmitted disease. So make sure you’re getting plenty of sex and also make sure you’re being as careful as possible.

Checking and getting tested for STDs will not only help reduce the spread of STDs, but also help you get the best treatment for any possible infections that might cause you to compromise fertility going fstiinfographicorward. Examples of curable STDs are chlamydia and gonorrhea can be cured with prescription drugs. Herpes isn’t curable yet, so keep an eye out for blisters on your partners! And even better, have a good conversation with them. It is very important to get tested for STDs. Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Better known as just herpes, is just one in the galaxy of the sexually transmitted diseases that no one ever would want to come in contact with. Herpes is a chronic disease, i.e. the kind that is recurrent and therefore recur repeatedly, with lengths of remission between occurrences. A condom is a barrier device used in latex sex, helping to reduce the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases can also have a negative impact a man’s fertility.

It’s important to get tested if you suspect you have contracted any kind of STD. The test indicates what is in the positive, negative or equivocal ranges for the results of STD tests. In the case of an indeterminate result, we recommend that you retest. Re-test would be recommended for a specific result. False positives mean that your STD test showed that there was an infection, when there is in fact no infection active in your body. “Indeterminate” says that the test results will be neither positive or negative, and further testing needs to be done.

End of story, if you are sexually active or planning on it, use a condom. Having sex even once without a condom, will put yourself at risk for STDs including chlamydia, reported as the most common disease sexually transmitted, with an estimated 92 million people infected annually, trichomoniasis, is a common infection in women who have frequent sex and herpes. So make sure that you’re being careful when enjoying yourself with your partner. There’s no reason that sex has to be a scary thing in 2016 or far into the future. Infact it can be an awesome adventure. Be safe and enjoy!


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